June 2018

Mosaic with a fisherman

Ψηφιδωτό με απεικόνιση ψαρά. © ΥΠΠΟΑ-ΑΜΘ

The mosaic depicts a fisherman seated on a rock having in front of him all the fish he caught.

It is one of a group of mosaic panels found at 30 Syngrou Street in Thessaloniki that may have decorated a luxurious residence of the ancient city. The mosaic decoration combined geometric themes and figural scenes: two birds, personification of one of the Seasons and the fisherman.

Thessaloniki as a big city had lavish residences that had venues for the gatherings and the banquets of their wealthy owners. Mosaic floors with geometric compositions or figurative representations gave a distinct sense of luxury in these rooms. Multicolored mosaic floors that adorned courtyards or rooms of luxurious houses, as well as private and public baths, came to light with the excavations in Thessaloniki. They all testify to the flourishing of the mosaic art in the city, where important workshops of experienced craftsmen are active and create high quality works.

Dating: Late 3rd c. AD
Dimensions: 55 x 83 cm