Angeliki Koukouvou

T: +30 2313 310252

Angeliki Koukouvou studied Archaeology and History of Art in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and works as archaeologist at the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports since 1993.

She has carried out excavations at several sites in Northern Greece and since 2004 has curated many temporary and permanent exhibitions and contributed to the editing of the accompanying catalogues. In 2018 she was appointed Head of Exhibitions, Communication & Education Department. In this post she is responsible for managing the conceptualization, design and production of the exhibitions, the educational programmes, the activities and events organized by the museum -more than 150 events of wider cultural interest every year-, as well as the communication management and visibility of the Museum.

Her main scientific interest is ancient technology and especially ancient quarrying activity, which is the subject of her PhD dissertation, published with the title: ‘LITHON LATOMEIN: QUARRYING STONE. From the Asomata quarries to the buildings of the Macedonian kings’ (2012, in Greek with English summary).

She participates in scientific conferences and has published articles and studies on the topography of ancient Macedonia during the Hellenistic and Roman period, as well as on terracotta figurines, sculpture and epigraphy of the same period.