Terms of educational programmes

The A.M.Th. educational programmes material is free for use by the class teacher and not by third parties (institutions or persons) who are being paid for educational programmes.

Each educational programme can take place on certain days when the Museum is open (Monday– Friday) and at certain hours (09:00-13:30), in order to avoid any clashes with other groups in the same halls.

Teachers must necessarily contact the Museum's security guards on +30 2313 310301 (Monday-Friday 9:00-11:00) to determine the exact date/time/programme and the number of pupils participating.

Fee: Entrance for pupils and accompanying teachers is free. Entrance for any companions-parents is half price (4 Euros).

The A.M.Th. educational programmes by teachers (2015-16) can take place on the following days:

  1. A day at the Museum's zoo – Monday, Wednesday and Friday (pre-junior, junior, 1st and 2nd grade)
  2. Discovering gods and heroes – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (3rd and 4th grade)
  3. Life in ancient Macedonia – Monday, Wednesday and Friday (4th - 6th grade)
  4. Gods and Emperors: For worship to neglect– Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (5th, 6th grade and 1st grade of High school) 

Photographs: Photographs without the use of flash is allowed.