Educational programmes reservation platform

Educational programmes of the A.M.Th. for Schools, instructions for participation.

The A.M.Th. educational programmes  commence every year in mid-October

For your school's participation on any programme, you must follow 2 steps:

  1. Fill out the School Registration Form.

    Then you will receive your username and password, which you will use for your participation application on the reservation platform when it is activated (twice per year).

    The school registration form remains activated throughout the year, apart from 10 days prior to the activation of the reservation platform, in order to accommodate new enrollments (i.e. it remains inactive 10 days before the October reservations and 10 days before the January reservations). 
    If your school has already been registered, the username and password remain the same, so skip the next step. In case you have forgotten or misplaced your username and password, then on the day of activation of the reservation platform, click on "I have forgottern my username" or "I have forgotten my password", and login to your school email to immediately receive your new codes.
  1. The second step is to apply for a specific educational programme.

    Your application can be done via the Reservation Platform, activated twice per year.
    For the exact date of participation you will receive the relevant information either via our Education Office or via email on your school address (if you have completed the first step). 


  • If your school has participated in an educational programme in the current school year, its code is deactivated for the next school year.

  • Each school can only register for one (1) programme (e.g. A day at the Museum's Zoo). Any additional applications will be automatically rejected by the system.

  • The maximum number of participants* is 26 children per class and is non-negotiable. 

  • Depending on the programme, we accept one or two classes per day for the same programme (e.g. 3rd and 4th Elementary Class).
    In case the programme is conducted for two classes, then the total number of participants cannot exceed 52 persons. The programme is done for two classes, one after the other and not simultaneously.

    (*unless stated otherwise by any given programme).

We would also like to inform you that if you wish to conduct a current or older programme by yourselves, you can use the relevant material (leaflets, instructions etc.) found at the museum's official website.

Finally, you can contact us ( to send you informative material in order to design your own programme.

We remain at your disposal for any queries or requests!

We wish a happy and creative school year for all!