The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki aiming to promote and expand scientific research, is open to whomever wishes to study archaeological material belonging to its collections or safeguarded in its storerooms.
As a necessary prerequisite the researcher must obtain a relevant permit to study, draw, photograph or publish the examined artefacts.
Subsequently, the researchers should submit a request of access authorization for the material under question to the Museum Secretariat (via mail or e-mail), which should include:
- mention to the exact content of their research in the Museum, e.g. study, drawing, photographing, sampling, analyzing etc.
- the type and inventory number of the ancient artefacts
- indicative bibliography, in case the artefacts are already published
- at least one photograph of the ancient artefacts
- the time frame needed for their research in the Museum
- attached copy of the permit to study, draw, photograph or publish that has been granted to the researcher for that specific material