Roman Art and Culture - a common language in Antiquity

18 Feb - 31 Aug 2015

This exhibition was part of the European programme "Black Sea – Unity and Diversity in Roman Antiquity" – (BSUDRA) in which the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki participated between 06.06.2013 and 05.06.2015.

The aim was to achieve common scientific and cultural activities towards the understanding, protection, and promotion of cultural heritage in the Black Sea. The participating countries were Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine.

The exhibition, presented on all participating countries, included ninety (90) information posters, which presented each sector's archaeological research in its region, the most important archaeological sites and monuments of the Roman era, as well as programmes regarding the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage that are underway. The exhibition aims to raise public awareness through the presentation of a common Roman cultural heritage and contribute to the notion of cultural unity and diversity of the peoples who have lived around the Black Sea.