Revival of Ancient Via Egnatia

Date: 18 Aug 2017
Ancient Via Egnatia

08.18.2017 | Revival of Ancient Via Egnatia

The AMTh greets and guides Italian researchers and students who will walk the route Thessaloniki - Kavala until 31/8, following the likely course of the ancient via Egnatia.

This is a multiannual program of Italian NGO Fuorivia and the University IUAV of Venice with the aim of reviving the ancient via Egnatia as a cultural hiking path from Durres to Istanbul.

In the reception part of the mission, part of the Lyceum Club of Greek Women will dance traditional dances offering a different visual approach of Greek culture to Italian researchers.

The AMTh is a staunch supporter of the initiative and a key partner in the project since Thessaloniki is an important node of the route, thanks to mile post of Egnatia Odos, which are included in the exhibits.

Detailed program of the event will be announced in a press release.

The event will be held in the central courtyard of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
