Everything changes in time and all remain the same

Date: 20 Apr - 31 May 2020

Do you believe that an ancient plate differs significantly from a contemporary one? What is the relation between a 4th c. BC clay figurine of a rooster and a chocolate Easter rooster?

We choose for you ancient artefacts from the collections of our Museum. You just have to look for objects at home that are similar (closely or remotely!) to the ancient ones. Photograph them and upload them to the Museums’ social media or send them by email: amth@culture.gr.

So, simply, “staying at home”, you will get to know some of the antiquities of our Museum. And, perhaps, you will be surprised by the fact that some objects may have changed in regard to their name, material, shape or use, but they still somehow remain the same…

At the end of this event, we intend to organize a digital, or perhaps a physical (coronavirus allowing) exhibition, showing the pictures you have uploaded.
