Η μαγεία του κεχριμπαριού. Φυλαχτά και κοσμήματα από τη Μεγάλη Ελλάδα και τη Μακεδονία. | Magic of Amber. Amulets and jewellery from Magna Grecia and Macedonia.

Catalogue of the temporary exhibition held at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki (July 22, 2009 – February 15, 2010)

editor: Evangelia Stefani

Publication of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

©Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports -
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki 2009
Bilingual publication (GR/ΕΝ)
26 pages, 32 x 16.8 cm., paperback

Texts about amber (composition, origin, ancient roads) and its role in Greece and Italy with emphasis on the region of Basilicata and Macedonia.