Kalindoia, a city of ancient Macedonia

15 Feb 2008 - 31 Jan 2009

The first great temporarty exhibition organised by the A.M.Th. after its renovation and re-opening in 2006. It was implemented in association with the 16th Ephorate of Classical Antiquities, where the museum belonged until 2002.

The recent excavations at Kalindoia (2000 - 2009) brought to light impressive and important new finds for an urban centre of the Macedonian kingdom, which continued to flourish under Roman rule. Issues like civic organisation, development, economy and society of the city were addressed. The exhibition, apart from the new archaeological data, which were not included in the museum's permanent exhibitions, was innovative by being a changing exhibition, as new finds that came to light as the excavation continued, were incorporated into the exhibition after being conserved.

It was accompanied by an extensive catalogue, a leaflet, a short documentary produced by the Museum, and an educational programme regarding the image or rulers from antiquity to this day, which was addressed to high-school students and proved very successful and popular.