Αγρός – Οικία - Κήπος - Τόπος / Field - House - Garden - Grave

Αγρός - Οικία - Κήπος - Τόπος / Field - House - Garden - Grave

Catalogue of the permanent exhibition in the courtyard of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

Editors: Polyxeni Adam-Veleni, Domna Terzopoulou

translation: Deborah Brown Kazazis

Publications of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, no. 10

©ΥΠΠΟΤ, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 2012
ISBN 978-960-9621-01-4
328 pages, 27.8 x 20.5 cm., paperback

The book presents studies on ancient Macedonia and Thessaloniki during the Roman era, the houses and cemeteries, with the monuments found in them (mosaics and burial monuments of various types), issues concerning their conservation and their museological presentation in the exhibition, with a complete catalogue of exhibits.