Μεσογειακά παλίμψηστα. Τρία αινίγματα φθοράς και αφθαρσίας. Mediterranean palimpsests. Three enigmas of decay and incorruption.

Μεσογειακά παλίμψηστα. Τρία αινίγματα φθοράς και αφθαρσίας.

An open dialogue between Dimitris Xonoglou and the Derveni papyrus. Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki 18/09/13 - 31/01/14

Editor Themis Veleni

Publications of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, no. 23

Thessaloniki 2014
ISBN 978-960-9621-15-1
100 pages, 24 x 22 cm., paperback

The book presents the exhibits of the art exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, with relevant texts on the artworks, their museographic presentation and the artist, along with the Derveni papyrus.