Το δώρο του Διονύσου / Il dono di Dioniso / The gift of Dionysos.

 Το δώρο του Διονύσου. Μυθολογία του κρασιού στην κεντρική Ιταλία (Molise) και τη βόρεια Ελλάδα (Μακεδονία)

Catalogue of the temporary exhibition of the A.M.Th.

Editors: Polyxeni Adam-Veleni, Eurydice Kefalidou, Evangelia Stefani

Publications of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, no. 8

printing: ΖΗΤΗ publications, Thessaloniki 2011
ISBN 978-960-89388-9-2
272 pages, 29 X 21 cm., paperback

The book presents studies on Dionysos and wine in Italy and Greece, focussing on central Italy and northern Greece, as well as additional papers on the museological and museographic issues of the exhibition, with a complete catalogue of the exhibits.