Hel(l)as! Παντού! Κωνσταντίνος Ξενάκης. Hel(l)as! Everywhere! Constantin Xenakis

Hel(l)as! Παντού!

Exhibtion Catalogue, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, 23.06 - 30.09.2015

Editors: Polyxeni Adam-Veleni, Styliana Galiniki, Evangelia Tsagaraki

Publication year: 2015
ISBN: 978-960-9621-22-9
80 pages, 22 x 24 cm.

Catalogue of the temporary exhibition Hel(l)as! Everywhere! with artwork by Constantin Xenakis at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, as part of the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Modern Art (23.06-30.09.2015)